Full-stack Next.js with AI

Learn to build a full-stack Next.js app from the ground up!

The app you'll build

Quiz Me.ai

An AI Quiz app that generates questions and gives feedback on your answers

App features

Check out the demo!

Who is this course for?

What you'll learn

  1. TypeScript for type safety and hints that make for a great dev experience
  2. Next.js including the app router and React server components
  3. Prisma an object-relational mapper to use TypeScript objects to interact with a PostgreSQL database
  4. Supabase Database open-source cloud PostgreSQL database
  5. Supabase Auth open-source authentication via email or OAuth
  6. Panda CSS (or possibly a different design system that works equally well with React server components...). Read my thoughts on Panda CSS
  7. The Vercel AI SDK including streaming AI responses from the edge runtime to the client


What you should know before taking the course

  1. Command-line

    level: basic

    example skills: running npm commands on a MacOS, Linux, or Windows command-line

  2. JavaScript

    level: intermediate

    example skills: writing functions, array functions such as map and filter, async / await

  3. CSS

    level: basic

    example skills: fundamentals for layout and text styling

  4. React

    level: basic

    example skills: functional components and the useState hook

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